Turning this difficult tide

Published in the Santa Fe New Mexican Mar 24, 2018

If you want deaths by gun to stop, you should ban guns. Period. Correct? This is easy to believe if you are witness to the emotional coverage we are being bombarded with right now.

According to Peggy Noonan, a nationally syndicated columnist, there is something different in society right now that is triggering many of the problems we face. Whatever it is, it’s in “the air we breathe.” It is not as simple as saying that we need more gun control and expecting shooting to stop; or saying that we need more legislation and expecting everything to be right with our economy, workforce and families. No; the problems are deeper and systemic. We, society, have created them and we, society, must now fix them.

What does that mean? Who does that involve? If you ever want to give yourself an excuse for reflection, then try running for Congress. As a candidate, I find myself reflecting continuously on the multitude of problems that people face — mostly because I must understand how to solve them. Isn’t that what a representative of the people is supposed to do? So, I study, ask questions, listen and ponder…

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