Universal income has been gaining traction, or at least notoriety lately, with Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang campaigning on the idea that all Americans should receive a minimum monthly payment, a Freedom Dividend, of a $1000 per month without having to qualify for it with a work product. Interestingly, a small Stockton, CA town is testing this very theory right now with a smaller amount, $500, for its lowest income citizens who are considered at poverty level. Here is the article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/universal-basic-income-stockton_n_5d9f51a1e4b087efdbaa3aa0?ncid=engmodushpmg00000006
While the long-term efficacy and results will not be in for at least another year, one thing is certain: people who are on the margins of society can often stay in their own homes, keep their jobs, keep the lights on, with just a little push. And why does this matter? When they do lose their homes and jobs, then it becomes society’s problem and it becomes exponentially worse to resolve. Think of the currently homeless situation in California which houses 50% of the United States homeless population. It’s epidemic in proportion and it’s quite conceivable that many of these people could have been prevented from being on the streets by a regular, helping hand.
There is no perfect solution, but kudos to Stockton for trying to do something and testing a theory which hopefully will prove fruitful!